5pm- 9pm


Everyone wonders: what does Pizzica actually mean?
Is it an Italian dish? A city? A new kind of Pizza? The answer: none of the above!
The Pizzica is in fact a traditional folk song and dance originating from the Salento Region of Southern Italy, right at the point of the heel of the Italian “boot”.
So why did we decide to name our restaurant after a dance?
The Pizzica is sung in the traditional dialect of the Salento Region. Its tempo is set by a warm combination of both the tambourine and violin, and is intended to create a friendly and welcoming environment.
It was once a dance performed only among the poors, however has now transcended into something symbolic of the region and is performed by everyone at local festivals (or more appropriately “Sagre”).
Everybody gathers together and performs the dance throughout the streets, drinking wine and eating traditional regional dishes (such as the Puccia Salentina, Pizza and Carne Arrosto, just to name a few).
The rustic style of this restaurant, the handcrafted terracotta plates, glasses and jugs from local Salento artisans,
along with the typical dishes of the Sagre, are all in hopes to recreate the atmosphere we love of our home,
and hopefully share that passion with you.
Of course however this atmosphere can not truly be recreated without the iconic sound
of... La Pizzica!